Managing Remote Teams Through VoIP

The office environment’s in the US have shifted multiple times. Each decade sees a litany of new techniques and technology introduced to keep employees working and customers happy.

The current trend is to keep decentralized offices with remote teams staying in constant communication. Managing remote teams with VoIP is cost effective and seamless.

Much like being in an office, standardization of equipment makes it easier to ask for standards in performance. However, being remote offers some unique challenges.

Read on to see how VoIP meets and mitigates these challenges.

One Page, the VoIP Difference

No matter the physical equipment that a remote employee is working on, they all have access to the same tools and features through VoIP.

Not only does this make it possible to keep everyone updated on best practices but it brings the whole team together in troubleshooting endeavors.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s an edict of the modern world. Since every remote worker is familiar with the same systems, they all have an idea of how to address an issue and keep each other in the loop.

If a worker loses power at home, or can’t be available for a day, it’s easy to swap their number to another agent and keep the workflow moving.

Managing Expectations and Interactions

Management is all about setting expectations and monitoring interactions between team members.

Setting clear expectations leads to measurable progress towards set goals. With so many ways to communicate through VoIP, you know that messages are being seen.

Communication isn’t limited to calls or texts with VoIP. You can send through intraoffice messaging, email, and log-in memos. This covers all five of the most common communication channels.

Teams need to interact to be, well, teams. In addition to features that bundle external communications, VoIP offers features that facilitate internal communications. Group calls and digital meetings can be done with the exact same equipment, ensuring everyone on the team can be reached.

The Power of Autonomy

Working alone has some advantages and disadvantages. The lack of connection can make it hard for team members to see their impact. Hence the emphasis on clearly set goals and personal updates.

However, employees also excel when they are given a free hand. When they know that they are counted on for results and not so much their efforts. Like an older child being left at home, that trust and accountability lets them rise to the occasion.

Numerous tips on facilitating autonomy indicate that 80% of workers perform better when working remotely. VoIP tools enable a manager to check in with individuals to get the most out of this sense of freedom.

One-on-one contact keeps all the moving parts in the loop and provides a clear upchannel process.

Dial In

Managing a team through VoIP is very much like have a digital office, a place where everyone is even when they are remote. The tools connect everyone with more accountability and less hassle.

Get started now,  contact Vegas Telecom and explore how VoIP can benefit you and your team.